Monday, May 2, 2011


Come worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM at the dRC (Disability Resource Center) at
409 Progress Street in Fredericksburg, Virginia
church phone: (540)419-1140

AT MCC Fredericksburg, we believe we are a Christ Centered Church...Christ is our Example!
That God's Love is Unconditional! We are all Believers who have a direct relationship with God and minister to the World! We support each others' spiritual growth and personal journey!

We believe, we are:

Loved by God! Led by Christ! Empowered to Serve!

East Coast Gathering of MCC Churches

It is not too late to attend! This coming weekend, May 6 - 8, is very special. Nancy Wilson is coming . . . yes, OUR Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator of the entire MCC movement, will be at MCC Richmond the whole weekend!

Also with us is Rev. Elder Diane Fisher, elder for churches in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia, and a lot of other places. They are coming to be with us and a bunch of our friends, from ten other churches in the UFMCC Eastern U.S. Network. Registration is $20 which covers everything except Friday dinner.

Friday, May 6, 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.

Bubba’s fabulous pork loin or vegetarian entree dinner, only $10 (reservations a must). The evening also features a worship service with a special message from Nancy.

Saturday, May 7, 9:00 A.M.

Workshop (coffee and bagels begin at 8:30) on "Virtual Ministry" (how to use internet technology to grow your ministry), followed by Nancy and Diane sharing an interactive presentation about UFMCC progress. Plus lunch, two theological/spiritual workshops after lunch, and then a closing plenary where all the churches share.

A Fond Farewell!

Many of us a great time at Oliver's Picnic and bid Raina and Wyett a fond farewell on their new home in Georgia. We all will miss them tremendoulsly and Georgia is lucky to have them!